Code Obfuscation
Released under the GPL, 2002
Written by S.Goodwin
Prints "Daft Jacko abhors Tux"
d[256]={0x200000, 0x8000000, 15,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,2,0,0,0
main(story) {
Compressing Spaces
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ unsigned
char c='r';float x1,x2,y1,t=0,q=30,r=20,x,
-2.0f,x2=0.8f):(c=='?')?c=0, printf("%f\
,%f:%f,%f",x1,y1,x2,y2):(c <':'&&c>48)
?x=x1,y=y1,*(c>'3'&&c<':' ?&y1: &t)
+=(y2-y1)/3,*(c>'6'&&c< ':'?&y1
:&t)+=(y2-y1)/3, *((c == '8'
||c+3=='8'||c+3 +3== '8'?&x1
:&t))+=(x2-x1 )/ 3,*((c
=='9'||c+3== '9'||c
+6=='9' ?&x1: &t)
)+=2*(x2-x1) /3,x2=
x1+(x2-x)/3, y2 =y1+(
y2-y)/3:(c=0);for(y= y2;y>=
y1&&c;c=1,y-=(y2-y1)/r, putchar
('\n')) for(x=x1;x<=x2; x+=(x2-
x1)/q){a=b=c=0; while ( ++c&&(a=(t
=a)*a)<4&&(v=b*b)<4)a-=v-x ,b=y+b*2*t;
"CT()[]%JL={}eou?/\\|Ili+~<>_-^\"!;:`,. "[
c?c>>2:63]);}} while((c=getchar())!='x');}
An Intentionally Obstuse Program
#define ______ putchar(
#define _____ (
#define ____ )
#define ___ <<
_,__;main(){ _=-~_,__=_- -_- -_, __=______ _____ _____ _ ___ __ ____- -_ ____
___ __ ____ , __=__- -_____ _____ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ____-_-_-_-
_ ____,__=______ __- -_ ____ ,__=______ ______ ______ __-_- -_____ _ ___ _- -
_- -_ ____ ____ ____- -_- -_- -_ ____, ______ _ ___ _ ___ _____ _ ___ _ ___ _
____ ____,______ __,______ __-_____ _____- -_- -_- -_ ____ ___ _- -_- -_ ____
____ ____,______ __=__- -_- -_- -_ ____ ,__-=_____ _- -_- -_ ____ ___ _____ _
____,______ __ ____,__^=_ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _,______ __ ____, __=_ ___ _,______
_____ __ ___ __ ____- -__ ____;}/* by Steev, but why did he sign his name? */
Other Obsfucated Code
The 12 days of Christmas (1) - 388 bytes
Both versions were attempt to recite the popular song in as few bytes
as possible
12 drummers drumming
11 pipers piping
10 lords a leaping
9 ladies dancing
8 maids a milking
7 swans a swimming
6 geese a laying
5 golden rings
4 calling birds
3 french hens
2 turtle doves and
a partridge in a pear tree
";main(){while(i++<12){printf("On the %d%.2s day of christmas my true love sent
to me
The 12 days of Christmas (2) - 395 bytes
i,j;char*t[]={"turtle doves and","french hens","calling birds","golden rings","geese a laying","swans a swimming","maids a milking","ladies dancing","lords a leaping","pipers piping","drummers drumming"};main(){while(i++<12){printf("On the
%d%.2s day of christmas my true love sent to me
",j=i,&"thstndrd"[i<4?i*2:0]);while(--j)printf("%d %s
",j+1,t[j-1]);puts("a partridge in a pear tree