Curriculum Vitae

Steven Goodwin

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Glu MobileEdcom LtdBits StudiosComputer ArtworksCriterion Software
WritingsOpen SourceSharewareAmiga SharewarePart-time
1998-2003 Lead programmer on Die Hard: Vendetta, a best-selling first-person shooter license for Fox Interactive at Bits Studios. It runs cross-platform on Nintendo GameCube (released Q4-2002), PS2 (Q2-2003), X-Box (Q2-2003) & PC (internal testing only) and is predominately written in 'C++'. The management side of my role involves training staff, dealing with other managers inside (and outside) of the team, and acting as a trouble-shooter and sounding board for the technical side of the project. As a programmer I designed the game architecture and wrote many of the engine's sub-systems and libraries. I also integrated new features into our bespoke editor (MFC Win32) as required by the design and code teams.
Die Hard 64 For this project (1998-2000), we took a base engine from another team at Bits Studios and adapted it to suit our game. I took the lead in organising, analysing and implementing the main changes, as well as directing the other programmers.

I also took over the AI programming and support when the assigned programmer left the company. This involved a study of his coding methods and ideologies, as well as bug fixing and completing half-implemented features.
Die Hard: Vendetta A lot of work (2000-2002) was carried out to update the Die Hard 64 project to use a new engine, and language (C++), allowing us to take advantage of the new hardware and game design. I designed the game architecture, and implemented the base features, as well as expansible code to support general classes, such as emitters.

It was released in the fourth quarter of 2002, ready for Christmas, to great acclaim and reached number one in the GameCube retail charts!