

This is a collection of notes, feedback, and random other stuff about the retro computing book "20 GOTO 10."

We start with a link back to the original campaign, On Unbound

Secrets about the book

I was onced asked if I'd do an audio book, with writers commentary, of "20 GOTO 10"! I hope it was a joke. But if you do want some background and history on the book, previous covers and titles, and its genesis, then check out the talk I gave at the launch party.

Furthermore, the signed copies of the book are available in the museum's gift shop in Cambridge, UK. Go and visit!

The Rorschach Test

The size of the book made the text in the Rorschach image too small to be clearly visible. We tried stretching it over multiple pages, but it was either still illegible, or nonsensical. The cost of including a pull-out poster was prohibitive. In every other case, I would have dropped the idea, but since it was promised on the original offer, it had to be included - even though the book had over doubled in size.

So, Click here for the full size version!


The cover mentions the price of the "Apple ][", when it should read "Apple 1". It's correct inside the book, so it's a real shame that we missed the typo. In my defense it was a rushed job to finish the cover in time for a Christmas release. Plus I was tired, and had lost my job!

10 : Tales of Chuckie Egg
There's confusion as to whether the DTI, in 1982, was called "The Department for Transport and Industry" (as here), "The Department of Trade and Industry" (same site, different wording, here) or even simply the "Department of Industry" (as Wikipedia).

754 : IEEE 754
To clarify, these numbers can store the number infinity (both positive and negative versions, thereof) but cannot hold an infinite cardinality.

357 : In jokes
The first binary numbers on this page should read 0101100101 - somehow there was a zero at the end, when it should be at the beginning.

Appendix 256
To clarify, the HHLL references in the CALL instructions refer to the High and Low portions of the 16-bit literal address, and not the HL register.

Page 180
The blurred icon on this page should be, 💰


On Unbound
On Amazon