
In the search for new and interesting quiz questions, I often experiment with words and their patterns. One day I decided to see if there were any words, like 'cab', which could be made from 3 (or more) consecutive letters in the alphabet.

Alas, I found only 'rust' (from 'rstu')

Disappointed, I then opened the scope to allow additional letters. So 'rusted' would also be valid, since it does contain 4 consecutive letters from the alphabet.

Here is the list I found:

  • abcdef => prefabricated
  • bcdef => prefabricated
  • cdefghi => disenfranchising
  • defghi => disenfranchising
  • efghi => disenfranchising
  • fghi => straightforwardly
  • ghijk => straightjacketing
  • hijk => straightjacketing
  • ijklmno => kilimanjaro
  • jklmno => kilimanjaro
  • klmnop => unsportsmanlike
  • lmnop => electroencephalograms
  • mnop => electroencephalograms (or andrianampoinimerina is you dislike plurals)
  • nopqrstu => quadraphonic / quadriphonic
  • opqrstu => quadraphonic / quadriphonic
  • pqrstu => quadruplicates
  • qrstuv => ventriloquists
  • rstuvw => liverwurst
  • stuvw => liverwurst
  • tuvw => overwrought
  • uvw => overwrought
  • vw => overwhelmingly
  • wxy => expressway
  • xy => extemporaneously
  • yzab => byzantines / szymborska / szymborska
  • zabcde => nebuchadnezzar
p.s. apostrophes with plurals omitted, normal plurals are fine!